As tiles are both extremely heavy and prone to breakages we advise and encourage all customers to have their orders delivered.
Italian Tile and Stone
@Cube logistics
Unit 1 Northwest Business Park
Dublin D15 NYH4
This is a contracted warehouse and operates to very strict procedures for your safety. Collection times are strictly 8.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday and collections must be confirmed in advance with the store where you purchased the tiles. If this arrangement is not made the warehouse will not release goods. Once you arrive please state that you are collecting from Italian Tile & Stone and your name. Please have the boot empty and ready to receive tiles and then return to your car. Collections should not be made for any more than 10 square metres in a private car as it is unsafe - in this case you should always have a delivery.
The warehouse Does NOT open at weekends and cannot facilitate any callers outside the arranged times. If you have any difficulties please Contact here
Take the Derry/Ashbourne Exit 5 from the M50. Proceed for 1 kilometer and take the exit marked Coldwinters. Proceed for 300 metres to a T junction and take a right. Continue for a further 1.1 kilometer to traffic lights and take a left. Continue for 2 kilometers to a round about and take a right. Cube Logistics will be on your left.
DO NOT take the first entrance but rather proceed to the next left turn into Northwest Business Park and take the next left into the yard. This is a working logistics yard so please proceed carefully to the end of the building. Please wait to the side of the warehouse door and ring for service. State that you are collecting from Italian Tile and Stone and the name the order is under.